
Contoh Narrative Text


Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Selamat Datang di Blog ini , kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh Narasi Text dalam bahasa Inggris . Mari kita simak isinya di bawah ini .

environmental Health (kesehatan Lingkungan)

       One of the important needs for environmental health is clean water, solid waste and sanitation. The need for clean water, waste management produced by the community every day and disposal of waste water that is directly channeled into a channel / river. This causes the channel / river to become clogged, clogging the channel / river due to garbage.

During the rainy season there are always floods and cause disease. Clean water problem is the most fatal thing for our life. Where every day we need clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and so on. With clean water, of course, it keeps us from getting sick.

If we know, currently the problem of clean water is a rare item in our beloved country, especially in big cities like Jakarta, clean water is an expensive item and is often bought and sold.

Unlike several decades ago, at that time clean water was easily available and always abundant in every corner of our land, because at that time there was not much water and air pollution.

         The taste and color are now different, not as natural as they used to be due to the pollution. The cause of environmental pollution is mostly caused by human hands. Water and soil pollution is pollution that occurs in waters such as rivers, rivers, lakes, seas, groundwater, and so on.

Meanwhile, land pollution is pollution that occurs on land, both in cities and villages. Nature has the ability to restore the condition of water that has been polluted by natural purification or purification by purifying soil, sand, rocks and micro-organisms that exist in nature around us.

The massive amount of pollution by humans makes nature unable to restore conditions to its original state. Nature loses its ability to purify the pollution that occurs.

Garbage and substances such as plastics, DDT, detergents and so on that are not environmentally friendly will further exacerbate the condition of natural destruction which is getting worse day by day.

There are several causes of environmental pollution in water and in soil, including:

  • The occurrence of erosion and high rainfall.
  • The amount of human waste disposed of from homes or residential areas.
  • The spread of chemical substances from the location of people's homes, agriculture, industry, and etc.

             Garbage and wastewater contain various elements such as dissolved gases, dissolved solids, oils and fats and microorganisms. Microorganisms contained in waste and wastewater can be decomposing organisms and cause disease.

       Poor handling of waste and wastewater, such as: draining wastewater into open channels, or walls and bases of drains that are damaged due to lack of maintenance. Disposal of dirt and garbage into the channel which causes blockage and the emergence of puddles will accelerate the proliferation of microorganisms or germs that cause disease, insects and disease-spreading mammals such as flies and mice.

               Living clean and healthy can be defined as living in an environment that has hygiene and health standards and practices a pattern or behavior of clean and healthy living. A healthy environment can have an effect on health quality. A person's health will be good if the environment around him is also good.

Vice versa, a person's health will be bad if the environment around him is not good. In implementing a clean and healthy life, it can be started by creating a healthy environment. A healthy environment has the characteristics of a place to live (home) and a healthy environment around the house.

Demikian contoh narrative text tentang lingkungan , semoga bisa bermanfaat . Ikuti terus Laman Blog ini agar tetap mendapatkan berbagai ilmu .

Sekian dan terimakasih

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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