Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Kali ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang contoh kalimat offering dan sugesstions . Mari kita simak penjelasannya .
1. you should
work harder if you want to be get much more money .
2. You could
think about it once more .
3. What time
shall we go home ?
4. Let’s try
to keep our meeting effective .
5. It would be
great to have a vacation in holiday .
6. What time
shall we go home ?
7. Let’s try to keep our meeting effective.
8. Let’s go to the park and have picnic
9.Let’s get some fun things and happiness for tonight.
10.Shall I bake a cheesecake for you?
Offering :
1. May Help
You ?
2. Would you
like any help ?
3. Do you need
any help ?
4. Can i help
you ?
5. What can i
do for you ?
6. Let me to help you.
7. Let me to do a favor
8. If you want, come to my house at 4 o'clock to do exercise
9. If you want, tell me the truth
10. Let us to pick you up
Demikian contoh kalimat offering dan sugesstions , semoga bisa bermanfaat .
Sangat membantu