2 Contoh deskriptive texts bahasa Inggris


 Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Selamat Datang di ilmu bermanfaat ,Kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh Deskriptive text . Mari kita simak isinya di bawah ini.


When you are at the height of a mountain peak, of course seeing the sunrise is the thing you want to do most.

This is also the activity most often carried out by climbers of several mountains in Indonesia.

Likewise when he was in the hills of Sikunir, Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java. The appearance of the sunrise and sunset at its peak is very beautiful.

The shape is in the form of a small hill, making it easy for anyone to climb. Even people who have never climbed a mountain before can enjoy the scenic beauty of Sikunir Hill.

The view of the sunrise and sunset is captivating, coupled with the charm of the viewing post, making it similar to an area on the island of Bali.

The view of the Sikunir hill is decorated with an ocean of clouds that is very charming. In addition, there is also a tadpole lake which adds to the beauty of its scenery.

As well as the return trip from Sikunir Hill, it will be decorated with the presence of potato farmers who are farming traditionally.

One thing that is most important and never forgotten, is capturing the moment by taking a photo.

When sunrise or sunset is the best time to be used as a photo background, with the beauty of the orange or yellow light from the sun. In addition, to make it better, many also immortalize it in video form.

Contoh ke 2 :


Cats are the names of mammals that eat meat or carnivores, these animals come from the Felidae family.

Cats are found in almost all countries in the world, Indonesia itself, there are various kinds of different types of cats, from Sabang to Merauke. The most famous types in Indonesia are Angora, Persian, and others.

This animal has been known since around 6000 years ago. According to data from archaeologists, long ago the Egyptians already knew that cats were used to repel plants from rodents.

For now, many people use cats as pets which are popular all over the world.

Cats are physically similar to tigers but smaller. What's more, the existence of very diverse types of cats ranging from Persian, Sphinx and others.

The Felidae family is a fast growing animal. Similar to rabbits, tigers and cougars, cats have hearing that can pick up sound vibrations from a distance of more than 10 meters.

There are also wild cats that live independently on the streets both urban and rural. Feral cats usually breed rapidly, so their population can increase drastically in a short time.

Meanwhile, cats that have breeds are bred by special methods and are also traded because they have a high selling value.

Demikian contoh Deskriptive text , semoga bisa bermanfaat . Ikuti terus ilmu bermanfaat agar tetap mendapatkan berbagai ilmu .

Sekian dan terimakasih

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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